Thursday, 18 March 2010

Heroes or Villians ??????.....

Tonight's lecture was interesting from the historical background that we was given,however not from the responses of others,atmosphere somewhat very quiet,few comments made !

Bandits and Outlaws....for me in particular this topic is arguable in the sense that,just because the villian robs from the rich and gives to the poor and needy,does that make it acceptable or OK for what he/she does ? An E.g of this is Robin Hood -he was labelled "as the noble robber who robs from the rich to give too poor".Questions raised throughout session ,consist of "Why are certain bandits/outlaws portrayed as decent and Honourable ?.......Why do mystical stories about these bandits and Outlaws persist?..........Were they champions of the poor ??

.... Call them Outlaws,Gangsters,Crooks,Gunslingers,Desperados,or any other name,they are still famous for the deeds they did that changed the course of history!!!..... According to the Black Law Dictionary (1951)- "An Outlaw or Bandit is a person living the lifestyle of Outlawry;the word literally means " Outside the Law". Hobsbawm's book 'Bandits'(1969) discusses the bandit as a symbol, and mediated idea, and many of the outlaws he refers to, such as Ned Kelly, Mr. Dick Turpin, and Billy the Kid;these are all outlaws who were respected,protected and cherished,even up till today,A famous outlaw who was and still legendary is Jesse James,he was a serious looking bandit with a social conscious,Jesse and his gangs robbed banks,mostly achieved with death,there popular image was a western Robin hood and striking against the forces of big businesses,they were seen as 'Standing up for the little man' as it were.

Historically,for every person like Ghandi or Thoreau who disobeyed the law for good reasons,there have been thousands who disobeyed the law for bad reasons why???
I have also responded on another students blog based on the topic we discussed last week drugs,the link for this blog can be found at:

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