Friday, 2 April 2010

Too Much Television and No Control...

Television something that we watch everyday,many of in particular.Something what many of us are guilty for...and having no control.We just sit in front of the TV like a couched potato...
My argument is can too much television be bad for us? What do we find good in watching TV?Are they other altenatives to just sitting down and watching televison everyday if we have simply nothing to do!?
Television will bring us the best and worst in TV,some things we may want to see....however there is some things we would prefer not view....Television has the potential for both good and bad effects,but it does not act alone,society itself remains far more influential I believe over the development and behaviour of individual human beings.....So do I think too much Tv is bad for us??

Yes I do believe this!! Because there is no denying that what happens on T.V influences people in society,Look at the story of the Jamie Bulger Murder,two young boys who were influenced by films they had watched,and then acted it out in reality and murdered...So T.V is a bad factor in our lives,many children have become desensitized concerning the value of human life.....However the answer is hard to grasp because individuals,society and television as a mass medium are changing constantly.

Television today is regarded as the most imperative and most respected form of transmitting information,It's easy accessibility means that it has the largest audience of all forms of media and therefore the greatest impact,wouldn't you agree??....
Statistics show that the UK has the highest level of digital TV penetration in Europe,with a substantial multichannel environment,this is seen as very bad,as alot more people I think need to be active and stop living a 24 hr sedentary lifestlye.Links to stats: also another set of statistics which can be found at: show that 2 in 3 UK homes ae digital TV service.
I have also made a response to a post,posted by:

There is a video below on a classical comedy drama,called the Royle Family,it has a stereotypical potrayal of a state benefit dependant family life,at the turn of the millenium...which mostly centres on the telly-centric living room.

For me personally there is so much to discuss on this subject,but my final thoughts on this topic are...Due to this large audience this form of media can help shape social development,Whilst people are enjoying thier favourite televison shows people unknowingly absorb the political,social and economic and messages that are assumed in the program...So a thought to leave you with,As television has saturated our lives,has it always resulted towards our betterment or has it possibly led to the deprivation of British Society??

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