Saturday, 10 April 2010

Habitual Intoxication....

There is no doubt that Binge-drinking is on a all time high, Alcohol concern has called many MP's and candidates in the general election to raise this issue that something needs to be done.Alcohol misuse to me is a public health issue and is certainly as important and urgent as Smoking,Obesity and Drugs misuse.

A great deal of research has been conducted to find out and explore the reason why people drink alcohol,From some studies done in the Netherlands among 15-25 year olds,the following answers came up: (1)Sociability 71% (2) Like the taste 51% (3)Feel at ease (4)Get Intoxicated 6% (5) Get drunk 2% (6) To forget problems
So when does it stop becoming a normal sociable drink,and turn into alcoholism ??
Alcohol gets risky when you need more to feel good.If you can't do that anymore on your own,and you use the alcohol for it at a certain point you then run the risk of starting to drink more and more each time to still feel the effects...this can possibly be the beginning of an addiction.

After Smoking,alcoholism kills more people in the UK than any other drug,1 adult in 13 is dependant on drink acording to goverment statistics.

So what is the government doing ?There have been certain policies put in place to cut down on the consumption of alcohol in the UK,the first phrase of the mandatory code for alcohol retailers came into force on the 6th April 2010,this week banning ''Irresponsible drinks promotions'' such as stopping irresponsible promotions such as ''all you can drink for £10 offers'' and requiring free tap water to be provided for customers,a government press release announced.

There is a video below on a TV advert on the awareness of alcohol and its effects delivered by Bill bailey...

So for me personally this is a bad and dangerous habit to pick up,a sociable drink every now and again is ok but not too often.

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