Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The Science of Lying........

This week we have discussed a topic that we are all familiar with LYING..We have all done it at some point.It is found to be decietful and offensive it conceals your true intentions from others,it is used to manipulate and decieve others...Lies,we hear them everywhere.Be it from the mouth of a politician glossing over the facts or a desperate student trying to cover up for his/her night of hedonism and disregard for homework,Lies are being told all over the place...

I think personally that some people like to be told lies,they would rather not know the truth,but lies are been told everywhere,do we just accept these lies,many goverment and others will tell us,I think to lie is a bad thing because the people are not aware of your true intentions,and lies doe hurt many people,if everyone was to always tell the tuth it would be hard for many people,because not many would like to hear the truth,so instead they would rather settle for lies and have their heads messed up with false words.

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