Thursday 15 April 2010

Tattoes and Body Modifying....

Tonight's Lecture based upon Tatooes and Modifying your body to what you want it to be,was very interesting.Questions that arose were 'Why do people do things to their body?' Why is Body Modification considered deviant? And is it right or wrong to do these changes to our body?'

So what are the reasons for modifying your body ? Many people modify thier bodies because it looks good or they are representing something,I personally dont like tatooes and i think it looks horrible,however the couple piercings will do me fine.When you modify your body its often forgotten that they are for life whichever method you take,because some are temporary whilst others are not,which is called Invasive and Non-Ivasive procedures.Body Modifcation is considered deviant because... Most major religions (Judaism,Christianity,Islam, Confucianism)
have been against body modification at one part of their existence.
As the body is created by God it is an attack on him to change it
from its natural state...and societal views that peopele belonging to this group shows signs of criminality
and mental illness.
I have also responded to another students blog on tattoing, which can be found at: href="http://">

1 comment:

  1. People Modify Their Bodies These Days, Because They Think It Makes Them Look Good.
