Friday 30 April 2010

Brits and Booze....

Yesterdays Lecture on Boozing britian and the amount that is consumed daily is crazily high,and then people wonder why there is so many people with alcohol related diseases..This topic doesnt really apply to me because i dont drink,neither am i alcohol dependant,but it was particulary interesting to hear people voice there opinion,now i know who the drinkers are LoL,They had much information on there experience with alcohol.

In my own personal opinion if you depend on alcohol to make you feel good,or give you a buzz I think its disgusting personally...just be your own self person,you should not need alcohol to make you feel good,what if alcohol was to be stopped and no longer made,alot of this nation would be really oppressed.

A video below show a group of alcohlic stupid boys,who drink hundreds of litres of drink everynight befor leaving the house and hitting the town,to drink more.

Statistics from 2005 showed that 73% of men and 58% of women reported drinking an alcoholic drink on at least one day in the week,this is shocking statistical data as over half on both genders drink.
A link below to an article on Bing drinking and Women who are turning into hooligans

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Social Networking......

The Exsplosive range of Social Networks available on the Internet today is quite amazing.Which one is good for me ?Which one will I enjoy and use and contribute to ?These are the questions and mor which go over the minds of all internet users when confronted with the onslaught of choices in the social networks categories presented for membership.
Most of Social Networks is offered free to become a member,participate in groups and forums and meet friends and associates.You will get a member page like facebook and myspace to set up a short introduction of yoursel,your likes and dislikes and a bit of flare about you.You also get to decide who gets to view your information from everyoneon the net to only a selected bunch of friends,you choose how much information is even seen by these friends,if you wish to be anonymous.
The friends that you can make are just one of the many benefits to social networking online. Another one of those benefits includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites.

Social Media is revoluntionising the way its news is spread around the world.The speed of which natural disasters are now communicating is mind -boggling,pictures of recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti were appearing on sites such as youtube and Facebook within minutes.">">

Sunday 25 April 2010


This is a dangerous and evil practice of people being trafficked.Nobody believes that slavery can happen in our 21st Centur,But we couldnt be more wrong,Slave trafffickers around the world discovered how profitable it is to buy and sell people.Every year 800,000-900,000 people are trafficked,children as young as four years old are force to be prostitutes.

People and young children are Lured,Coerced or otherwise removed from thier home or Country and then forced to work with no low payment on terms which are highly exploitative which is usually the case,Human Trafficking is the fastest growing crimmnal industry in the world and many people are attracted to this type of work because if the money that is involved and the recognition of other people.

Obama and John McCain at Rick Warrens saddleback church debates on trafficking and programmes that need to be implemented,to stop it from happening.,,2013927,00.html

Thursday 22 April 2010

Nasty Comedians ......

Comedians that use a racial basis for there jokes are often seen as highly offensive and it is the type of comedian that has recieved the most criticism over the yearsl.Bernard Manning,Jim Davidson and Ray Chubby Brown are at the forefront of this,in this type of stand up comedy.
Bad Comedians use the stage to voice thier own racial and Social ideologies,Ethnic Jokes about stupidity inevitabilty bloom in the modern day based on competition,rational calculation and technical innovation for stupid means failure and the downfalling of self and others alike.

One of my favourite stand up comedians is Chris Rock.He is funny,entertaining and basis his standups typically on reality such as family,politics,romance,music,class relationships and race relations in the United States.

A response was made to my blog on food addiction,this response can be found at: Frued:Jokes and Relation to the Unconscious 1905

Sunday 18 April 2010

Obsessive Shopping Disorder

Compulsive Buying,sometimes called Compulsive or Addictive shopping..Compulsive buying is just as common in men as in women,a nationwide survey has found,and in its extreme form may be a psychiatric illness-an impulsive control disorder associated with abnormal levels of depression and anxiety.A statistical analysis of the results found that 5.5 percent of men and 6.0 percent of women could be classified as compulsive shoppers.
people like myself are attraceted to this lifestyle because its enjoyable and fun,personally I have lots of shoes and clothes but I wouldnt say I have a shopping disorder because its not everyday I buy something,But for those who shop everyday must be really rich...
A reponse was made to my cosmetic surgery blog,the response can be found at:

Thursday 15 April 2010

Tattoes and Body Modifying....

Tonight's Lecture based upon Tatooes and Modifying your body to what you want it to be,was very interesting.Questions that arose were 'Why do people do things to their body?' Why is Body Modification considered deviant? And is it right or wrong to do these changes to our body?'

So what are the reasons for modifying your body ? Many people modify thier bodies because it looks good or they are representing something,I personally dont like tatooes and i think it looks horrible,however the couple piercings will do me fine.When you modify your body its often forgotten that they are for life whichever method you take,because some are temporary whilst others are not,which is called Invasive and Non-Ivasive procedures.Body Modifcation is considered deviant because... Most major religions (Judaism,Christianity,Islam, Confucianism)
have been against body modification at one part of their existence.
As the body is created by God it is an attack on him to change it
from its natural state...and societal views that peopele belonging to this group shows signs of criminality
and mental illness.
I have also responded to another students blog on tattoing, which can be found at: href="http://">

Monday 12 April 2010

Food Addiction:A Craving you can't seem to control

You may overindulge on chips,chocolate and burgers once in a while,but would you consider yourself to be a food addict? The answer is important because it could be the key to determining what course of action you need to take to lose weight...

Why are many people attracted to food?Why can't they control themselves?Why as a nation or a person do we overeat excessively ?...Well basically food is comfort....Comfort food can be defined as food that brings some form of comfort,sense of wellbeing or easy satisfaction.For me personally I believe this to be true because I have experienced this myself,sometimes it happens when we don't feel good or bad things happen to us,so in order to overcome we find food and bask in the satisfaction and comfort of it,its like a friend.

A number of medical experts or doctors look on this very strongly and say that food addiction is just as serious as nicotine or cocaine addiction-and can potentially kill in the long run...and as more people turn to food for comfort and get obese is the more strain on the NHS to provide health resources and services to many people out there,so that's why there are many ads on healthy eating and exercises to prevent these pandemics happening..In my own opinion,Sometimes I think that a certain sector of the population are forced into eating Junk foods because there is not much healthy foods available and affordable to them,we need to take into consideration those who are on a low budget and making ends meet and don't have the facilities or transport around them to reach certain places,so they just make do with what they have...I'm not making any excuse for them.

However I do disagree with people who are super morbidly obese and people are still feeding them,rather then helping them,or sometimes those who got obese was helped along the way to reach the weight they are today,A link to a story about a 19yr old teenager who weighs half a ton,was helped by his mum to get as big as he his today:

During rough times or hardship in our lives we seek to ground ourselves and find that sense of self that often gets lost when life becomes hectic and crazy,I believe that selection and choice of comfort food is a very personal thing,like some of my favourities are chips,choclate,fried chickn,we all have a choice - A link to the heaviest man in britian....Transport problem....70st Paul enjoys a trip sitting in his special 3ft wide wheelchair.

Food for thought...What Foods are in your cupboards,Fridge and Tempting you from your Counter-tops???